Our 3 healthy tips for lazy people

February 15, 2016
by HelloFresh Our Cooking tools

Being healthy and being lazy might not be as exclusive as you think. Read on for our healthy tips for lazy people. Feeling lazy? Don’t worry – there’s only 3!

Healthy choices don’t have to mean 5am trips to the market or hours spent in the kitchen. A few thoughtful choices can improve your health no end.

1. Swap out refined flours, rice, breads etc. with their wholegrain counterpart.

They have much better nutritional value and are more filling.

2. Try lazy pasta

Grab a box grater, lay it on its side. OK, now grab a zucchini, top and tail it. Still with us? Great! Now grab that zucchini and run in down the length of the grater. Look – instant spaghetti! These thin strands of green don’t need to be boiled, so they’re perfect for even the laziest cook. They also soak up the flavour or whatever they’re cooked in – so they’re super tasty to boot.

3. Order a HelloFresh box!

If you’re too lazy to even pop to the shops, we get it. There are seven deadly sins, and somebody’s got to have ’em. Don’t fear though – you can still unleash the healthy cook with in. HelloFresh delivers original recipes and all the ingredients you need to cook them to your front door. Pick the best box for you and enjoying cooking, reinvented!




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