Learn how to make doughnuts that are perfect everytime!

November 19, 2015
by HelloFresh Eat


Doughnuts are nothing if not indulgent, but sometimes a little indulgence is exactly what you need.

We’re big believers in the idea of only eating indulgent foods you’ve cooked yourself. Not only does it mean you know exactly what’s gone into your food, but the very act of preparing something special yourself, like these perfectly crispy apricot filled doughnuts, helps you to appreciate the food you’re eating all the more.

Learn how to fry the perfect doughnut

There’s no joy to be found in scarfing down a load of these doughnuts – they are perfect to be savoured and shared. We’ve filled our doughnuts with apricot marmalade, but any jam or compote will work in this – it’s entirely up to your taste. You could even have a few flavours and leave it as a bit of a surprise!

To learn how to fry the perfect doughnut, there are a few tips to remember. The first is to use a neutral frying oil that won’t impart any of its flavour into the doughnut – try canola or safflower oil. The next point is to watch the heat of the oil – it should be at 170°C and no hotter to allow a golden doughnut that isn’t burnt. Finally, do pay attention to the temperature of various ingredients. Your milk must be lukewarm to encourage a well risen elastic dough. Similarly, a warm place will make all the difference between light, fluffy doughnuts and hockey pucks (yuck!).


Astounding Apricot Marmalade Doughnuts


    • 500g plain flour
    • 30g yeast
    • 250ml warm milk
    • 60g caster sugar
    • 60g butter
    • 4 egg yolks
    • 1 pinch of salt
    • Frying oil, enough to fill about 10 centremetres up the side of a large saucepan

    For the filling

    • 2 cups apricot marmalade


  1. Add the flour and yeast into a mixing bowl along with the sugar and salt and mix together.
  2. Now add the lukewarm milk, melted butter and the egg yolks and mix together thoroughly.
  3. Cover and leave in a warm place for 30 minutes so the dough can rise.
  4. Knead gently for another few minutes and the divide the dough into equally sized balls – with lots of space between them. Leave for another 20 minutes.
  5. In a large saucepan, heat the oil up to 170°C and no hotter. Fry the donuts on both sides until they are golden.
  6. Take the doughnuts out of the oil and allow to cool on a paper towel until they can be handled.
  7. Add the apricot marmalade into a piping bag with sharp tip and gently pipe the jam into each donut.
  8. Dust with icing sugar and serve while still warm.

If you’re feeling a little like a dough ball yourself after eating these fried balls of golden delights, don’t forget to detox with a peach, mango and turmeric smoothie. Everything in moderation, darlings!



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