Foods that can help to increase your productivity

May 22, 2020
by Helen Tips and Tricks

We’re still adapting to a new routine and lifestyle, which for most of us means spending a lot more time at home. This global shift has made way for a list of new hobbies and household projects that are finally getting ticked off. Maybe you’ve taken the time to ‘Spring clean’ your wardrobe, or your creative juices are flowing with some new paints. There’s plenty of positive activities that have come from these isolated times, but that might also mean that there’s plenty more distractions.

Working from home may already be a new concept for many of you, and whether or not you’ve set up a proper work station or you’re having difficulties concentrating, there’s a world of obstacles and new projects at home that can disrupt your productivity . 

But one thing you can take control of is the way you eat throughout the day, which can have a profound impact on the way you work. By choosing the right foods for energy and concentration, you can make the most of your day and productivity at home. 


These naturally sweet and delicious berries are often labeled a superfood. While all berries have health benefits, the blueberry is one of the most effective when it comes to nutrients for your body and brain. As well as giving you a good boost of vitamin C, vitamin K1 and manganese, blueberri’s are high in antioxidants, which is the best brain food for improving memory. So keep some around for that afternoon sugar rush! They are great on yoghurt and in smoothies, but you can also get blueberries’ brain-food nutrients in creative ways, such as tossing them into savory salads. Try the sweet contrast of blueberries with red cabbage or fennel.


Some say that eggs are one of the most nutritious foods you can have. A single egg is a source of several nutrients that are associated with a healthy brain, particularly B vitamins which helps with brain function. That’s all the more reason to start the day with these natural energy boosters – get cracking .

Leafy greens

Eat your greens – now, more than ever! Leafy green vegetables, such as kale, spinach or chard, all have a positive impact on your brain health and function. So if you want to know how to increase concentration during a home office work week, treat your brain with a leafy lunch or a green smoothie . You can even incorporate these brain-boosters by making healthy snacks, like baking kale or spinach in the oven for delicious home-made veggie chips .

Oily fish

The good fats that are found in fish , such as salmon , tuna or mackerel, are omega-3 fatty acids, which are important for a healthy brain and your general well-being. Research suggests that these good fats help to increase concentration and thinking abilities. Check out the Thai Yellow Fish Curry recipe from HelloFresh’s menu catalog. It’s one of our top-rated fish recipes, and will deliver the brain-health boost you’re looking for.



Continuing the good fats theme, nuts are a great source of omega-3 fatty acids, as well as antioxidants – all of the best brain food. A mixed bag of nuts, or even seeds, are a great snack you can easily reach for during the day. And for even better brain function, make sure you include walnuts in the mix. The flavorful nut isn’t only delicious, it’s associated with improving memory and the healthy function of the brain. Nuts are also popular additions to recipes, such as HelloFresh’s Almond Crusted Salmon – a great way to work this brain food into your everyday diet. 

Make sure you eat well to improve your productivity while at home!  

Stay safe & well, 

The HelloFresh team 

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